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2021-09-09 High Performance Computing (HPC) on UBELIX (09:00-12:30)

Learn how to use HPC clusters, in particular the UBELIX lLinux cluster of the University of Bern


Introduction to High Performance Computing (HPC) 

If the computational tasks of your research are outgrowing your local desktop or laptop resources, more resources may be utilized at the shared  central Linux HPC cluster at the University of Bern (UBELIX). Typically, High Performance Computers (HPC) are Linux system with batch submission system. 
This course introduces basic concepts in utilizing HPC systems like UBELIX with command line interfaces.
UBELIX status page:  https://ubelix.unibe.ch/
UBELIX user documentation: https://ubelix.unibe.ch/docs


Learn how to leverage UBELIX to facilitate your scientific research. In this hands-on course, you will learn how to connect to the cluster, submit and monitor jobs. This is a problem-based course where you will learn by doing. Access to UBELIX and basic Linux command line knowledge is mandatory. 

Learning outcomes
  • Why HPC?
  • Managing jobs with SLURM (workload manager)
  • Load pre-installed software and install your own software
  • Troubleshooting faulty jobs
  • A first look at parallel computation (more on this topic in the follow-up course)
Target group
  • UniBE staff, students and potential users involved in scientific research
  • Researchers wishing to learn how to use a Linux HPC system, in particular UBELIX
  • Prospective or current users of any Linux computing facility
  • Participants must bring their own laptop
  • Participants must have a Campus Account (if you don't have one, please email scits@math.unibe.ch no later than two weeks before the course)
  • Campus Account must be activated for UBELIX: Folllow instructions here https://hpc-unibe-ch.github.io/getting-Started/account.html#account-activation
  • Basic Linux knowledge (scope of the course "Introduction to Linux")
  • The training alternates between short theoretical introductions and hands-on exercises
  • A certificate will be delivered to participants who have attended the whole training
  • The coaches are experts from the HPC support team
Time : 2021-09-09 09:00 - 12:30
Location : Room B 102, VonRoll Fabrikstrasse 8, University of Bern
Attention: Should the room in VonRoll not be open, please go to the Housekeeping on the Ground floor in the office A 009 (031 684 21 45) to open up for you and let you in.The course will be transmitted online in any case, but we have also reserved a room at the university for on-site attendance (see "Practical information" on Ilias). The university's corona policy requires that courses and events that are not bachelor's or master's programs require participants to have a Covid certificate. This means for this course, if you want to come on site, you must have a certificate that you are tested, recovered or vaccinated. So we are happy if you comply if you like to come on site.
Online Participation: https://unibe-ch.zoom.us/j/67367298810?pwd=elRuRTlCaFJYSXFuTzZQWFp5U3Q5Zz09

Training language: English
Participants : Max 24
Registraion : Mandatory
Coaches : Dr. Mandes Schönherr (UniBE IT, HPC Team), Nico Färber (UniBE IT, HPC Team)
Certificate : Certificate for full training attendance
Our wepgabe is scits.math.unibe.ch.