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Learning Outcomes

Unter dieser Rubrik stehen Materialien zu Lernergebnissen (Learning Outcomes) zur Verfügung.




Battersby. M (2005)

The Learning Outcomes Approach. In: C.J. McPhail (ed.). Establishing & Sustaining Learning-Centered Community Colleges. Washingt…
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youtube (2008)

What are learning outcomes?
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youtube (2011)

Creating Student Learning Outcomes
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How to write Learning Outcomes

Jenkins, A. & Unwin, D. (1996). How to write learning outcomes. (http://www.ncgia.ucsb.edu/education/curricula/giscc/units/forma…
pdf   43.0 KB   1. Nov 2011, 12:21  
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Leitfaden Learning Outcomes

Eine kurze Anleitung zur Formulierung von Lernergebnissen, inkl. Zusammenfassung und Checkliste, erstellt von der Hochschuldidak…
pdf   997.4 KB   16. Apr 2014, 12:52  
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Using Learning Outcomes

Adam, S. (2004). Using Learning Outcomes. Univ. of Westminster. (http://www.aic.lv/bolona/Bologna/Bol_semin/Edinburgh/S_ADam_bac…
pdf   502.7 KB   1. Nov 2011, 12:29  
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