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2019-01-17 Introduction to Linux for owners (09:00-17:00)

Get started with Linux for your research



Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open-source software development and distribution. Linux is the leading operating system on servers, mainframe computers and supercomputers. It also runs on embedded systems, for example mobile phones and tablet computers, as well as televisions.


Going beyond the basic "Linux for Users" training, the course aims to teach more in-depth topics for people who control a Linux system - on their computer, in a VM, or on a server. Learn to diagnose problems, manage software and configure a Linux system.

Learning objectives
  • Linux distributions
  • Using admin commands
  • Filesystem structure and mounts
  • Package management
  • Installing and configuring software
  • User management
  • Diagnostics, monitoring and basic troubleshooting
  • Basic OS security
Target group
  • UNIBE staff, students and potential users involved in scientific research
  • Researchers wishing to learn how to use a Linux system with little-to-no prior knowledge
  • Prospective or current users of any Linux computing facility who wish to refresh the basics
  • Participants must bring own laptops
  • Access to a Linux system or virtual machine (Ubuntu preferred if installing a new one)
  • Basic Linux knowledge in line with "Linux for users" training
  • The training alternates between short theoretical introductions and practical exercises
  • A certificate will be delivered to participants who have attended the whole training
  • The coaches are local or external experts
Time : 2019-01-17 09:00-17:00, lunch break 12:30-13:30
Location : Main Building, Room 105, Hochschulstrasse 4, University of Bern

Training language: English
Participants : Max 25
Registraion : Mandatory
Coaches : Dr. Alexander Kashev, PD Dr. Sigve Haug (responsible)
Prerequisites : Laptop, no computing background needed
Certificate : Certificate for full training attendance 
The Science IT Support is there to boost your research by supporting you solving computing challenges. 
Your code doesn't compile, you need more computing power, more storage, a data mangament plan and
so on - drop an email, call or pass by our office. Cheers, Sigve

Our webpage is http://scits.unibe.ch/