Wartungsarbeiten: File-Server So/Mo 26. Mai 22:00 - 27. Mai 07:00 | Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten an den File-Servern können in diesem Zeitraum keine Dateien hochgeladen werden. Die Dateien auf ILIAS können aber weiterhin heruntergeladen/angesehen werden.

Intro to ILIAS - Part II




  1. Files
  2. DigiSem
In a new browser window...
  1. Add a file you have stored on your computer to your playground course!
  2. Pretend that you have made changes to the document. Update the document in your playground course by adding a new version!
In a new browser window...
  1. Find available literature you may need for one of your courses on DigiSem and add it to your playground course (only order literature if you're really going to need and use it)! You can use your notes from the prep assignment (part II).


  1. Interactive Video
In a new browser window...
  1. Add an Interactive Video to your playground course and try adding a chapter and/or questions!


1. Group
Important group settings:
  • Registration
Group members
  • Adding (in group or through course)
  • Managing
  • Mail to members
2. Etherpad
In a new browser window...
1. Join this group to experience a student's perspective: 


Join me

Student's view of a group
Um dieses Objekt zu nutzen, müssen Sie angemeldet sein und entsprechende Zugriffsrechte besitzen.  
2. Set up a group in your playground course!
3. Add "Doctor Pepper" (d.pepper) to the group through the "members" tab in the group!
4. Go back to course level in your playground and add one of your course participants to the group through the "Membership in Groups" submenu!
In a new browser window...
1. Join this etherpad to experience a student's perspective: 

2. Set up an Etherpad in your playground course!
3. Type something in your etherpad! Then use the timeslider to look at the history!


  1. Test
In a new browser window...
  1. Set up a test in your playground course and adjust the settings to your liking! 
  2. Add a question to the test. You can use your notes from the prep assignment (part II)!
  3. Add feedback to the question!
  4. Take the test to see if it behaves in the way you exptected!


  1. Poll
  2. LiveVoting
In a new browser window...
1. Fill out the poll in our demo course to experience a student's perspective!
2. Set up a poll in your playground course! You can use your notes from the prep assignment (part II)!
3. Participate in the poll of one of the other workshop participants!
4. Play around with the different poll settings!
In a new browser window...
  1. Set up a LiveVoting with a single or multiple choice question in your playground course! You can use your notes from the prep assignment (part II)!
  2. Conduct the LiveVoting with one of the other workshop participants!