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Symbol Kurs

2020-06-24 Kubernetes (09:00-17:00) CANCELLED

Introduction to container orchestration with k8s.


Kubernetes (commonly stylized as k8s) is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management.

To better understand the functionality of Kubernetes, we will manage containers by hand using either Docker or Podman.
Then we will design a containerized application and generate the necessary yaml files to manage it using Kubernetes.
Finally we will use Kustomize to make adaptations to the containerized application for different environments (development, automated testing, staging, production, etc.).

Learning outcomes - participants can
  • Create container files, container images and containers
  • Manage containers manually
  • Create deployments, services and persistent volumes in K8s
  • Use the minikube user interface to get a view of the containerized application
  • Create overlays using Kustomize
Not covered in this training
  • How to manage Kubertes infrastructure
  • How to manage an internal container image registry
Target group
  • UNIBE staff members, students and other interested people
  • Participants must bring own laptops with access to a Linux setup with either Docker or Podman and a Minikube installation
  • The training alternates between short theoretical introductions and programming exercises.
  • A certificate will be delivered to participants who have attended the whole training.
  • The coaches are local or external experts.
Time : 2020-06-24 09:00 - 17:00
Location : Uni Mittelstrasse, Room 124, Mittelstrasse 43, Bern

Training language: English
Participants : Max 25
Registraion : Mandatory
Coaches : PD Dr. Sigve Haug (responsible), Pablo Verges (coach and lecturer)
Prerequisites : Laptop, container experience, e.g. our container training
Certificate : Certificate for full training attendance 
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