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Deutsch Intensivkurs


- Click on the link below "Deutsch fürs Studium - Einstufungstest".
- Start the test. You have 20 minutes to complete it.
- Please do the test without outside help and finish the test when you are done or if you are not sure about the answers.
- Please take the test only once.
- After you have finished, please click on “finish the test”.
- Please wait for an email from info.daf@unibe.ch. You will be informed about the next steps.



Deutsch fürs Studium - Einstufungstest

Verfügbarkeit: 12. Aug 2022, 19:00 - 13. Aug 2022, 19:00  
Um dieses Objekt zu nutzen, müssen Sie angemeldet sein und entsprechende Zugriffsrechte besitzen.