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100477-HS2018-0: Lecture series in plant and animal conservation ecology, PACE seminar

Mandatory for BSc 3rd year Ecology and Evolution. The goal of this lecture series is to render the students in conservation biology more acquainted with activities of conservation biologists active mostly in practice. This is a contribution to bridging the immense gap existing between conservation research (academia) and practice. We invite people working for biodiversity conservation and restoration projects within different professional frameworks (NGOs, federal and cantonal administration, media). Students have to study the material supplied by the speakers beforehand (documents are available as PDFs on the Conservation Biology website http://www.cb.iee.unibe.ch/studies/seminars_amp_events/pace_plant_amp_animal_conservation_ecology/index_eng.html). The students have also to report in groups about the presentations at the end of the series (oral examination).



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