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SA 2011 Week 2: Settling Investment Disputes

The first two weeks of the WTI’s 9th Summer Academy offer an intensive professional development program on the law and policy of International Investment Agreements (IIAs). Its purpose is to provide an in-depth examination of the legal obligations and policy underpinnings of the negotiation and application of IIAs, both from a theoretical and practical perspective.

General Information

Course description
The Academy is deployed over two self-contained weeks. The first week of the Academy focuses on the substantive rules and disciplines of IIAs. The main issues arising in the context of negotiations and in recent case law interpreting the substantive elements of IIAs will be examined. The second week focuses on the different dispute settlement mechanisms included in IIAs as well as on alternative dispute resolution (ADRs) in the investor-State context. Particular attention will be given to the various kinds of legal and policy issues arising from the escalation in the use of treaty-based investor-State arbitration over the last decade
The Academy has been designed to promote a broader and deeper understanding of the international investment regime. It purports to update legal professionals, government officials, members of the international business, academics and IGO and NGO communities on the current issues of international investment law and policy. The Faculty comprises leading experts on international investment law and policy, many of whom have been deeply involved in the negotiation of IIAs and have also been directly involved in investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) cases. Participants can choose to attend both weeks or engage more selectively in either of the two weeks.


The first two weeks of the WTI’s 9th Summer Academy offer an intensive professional development program on the law and policy of International Investment Agreements (IIAs). Its purpose is to provide an in-depth examination of the legal obligations and policy underpinnings of the negotiation and application of IIAs, both from a theoretical and practical perspective.


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Isabel Kölliker
Summer Academy Fellow
+41 31 631 36 28


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