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2024-06-07 Organizing and Unions at the University

How can I organise myself at the university?


As an employee with a time-limited contract at the University, you have little leverage when it comes to working rights. Nobody has to do anything, your contract just runs out.

In this training some unions and organisations at the university which may be of interest to you - in English.   
Or as the fellows from the Industrial Workers of the World, est 1905, introduce their workshop: "Do you like to complain about your working conditions but don't do anything about it? Then you haven't made it past "A". Are you angry about impossible hierarchies and at their mercy? This is where the "O" comes incomes into play. Would you like to urgently change several things at your work but feel alone in doing so? AEIOU: Trade union organizing, organizing according to the principle of the IWW - Industrial Workers of the World!

- Get to know AEIOU: Agitate, Explain, Inoculate (platonically meant), Organize, Unite
- What is the pyramid principle of a solidarity union and how does it work?

The training contains short theory inputs, large and small role plays (groups of 2 and larger), sketching and more.

You can break one finger, but five fingers make a fist! Don't mourn, organize (Joe Hill)"
Target group
  • Students and staff.
  • None
The course is interactive with theory inputs and games .
  • A certificate will be delivered to participants who have attended the whole training.
  • Representatives from various unions
  • Intermediate staff association of the University of Bern (MVUB)
Office 254
Hochschulstrasse 6
3012 Bern
  • IWW Bern, Jura-Alps-Mittelland (JAM)
    Industrial Workers of the World in German-speaking countries
    An attack on one is an attack on all. Since 1905.
  • more to come
Tentative schedule, to be finalised

13:30 Welcome and Introduction
13:45 MVUB Session
14:05 Ombudsstelle Session 
14:25 VPOD/SSP Session
14:45 SUB
15:00 IWW Workshop
17:00 Apero
Time : 2024-06-07  13:30-17:00
Location : Room 224, Mittelstrasse 43, University of Bern
Online Participation: Possible to attend on Zoom upon request

Training language: English
Participants : Max 25
Registraion : Mandatory
Coaches : TBD
Certificate : Certificate for full training attendance
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