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2024-06-06 Data Science and ML with MATLAB (09:00-17:00)

Machine Learning basics with MATLAB


Data Science and Machine Learning with MATLAB
Completing this course will give you the skills and confidence you need to achieve practical results in Data Science quickly. Special focus will be made on Data Analytics and Machine Learning tools in MATLAB. You will learn tasks such as preprocessing your data and applying Machine Learning algorithms, to train, visualize, and evaluate different models. Often these tasks appear challenging because of the complex theory behind them. We will demonstrate MATLAB features that simplify these tasks and eliminate the low-level programming.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Load data into MATLAB, prepare it for analysis, visualize it, perform basic computations, and communicate your results to others
  • Preprocess your data, and iteratively train and improve predictive models
  • Use graphical user interfaces to create machine learning models for your custom data analysis task
  • Manage and preprocess data using capabilities for programmatic and interactive data preparation
  • Perform and document data analysis with MATLAB graphics and the Live Editor notebook environment
  • Build your own Apps using MATLABs App Designer
  • Introduction to basic Machine Learning algorithms and their use cases
Target group
  • UNIBE staff members, students and researchers
  • Engineers, scientists and anybody interested in data science and the development of Machine Learning applications
  • Participants must bring own laptops and should have basic experience with MATLAB and background in mathematics on an introductionary university level (such as e.g. statistics and linear algebra).
  • If you have no experience with MATLAB you are encouraged to take our free self-paced MATLAB onramp online courses (matlabacademy.mathworks.com).
  • Participants from the University of Bern have free access to MATLAB via their campus license. Participants from outside the University get free access to MATLAB for the duration of the course.
  • The training alternates between short theoretical introductions and programming exercises.
  • A certificate will be delivered to participants who have attended the whole training.
Time : 2024-06-06 09:00 - 17:00
Physical location : Room 224, Mittelstrasse 43
URL for remote participation: TBA

Training language: English
Participants : Max 30
Registraion : Mandatory
Coaches : Amith Kamath (Uni Bern), Res Jöhr (MathWorks)
Prerequisites : Laptop, basic programming experience
Certificate : Certificate for full training attendance 
The Data Science Lab is there to boost your research by supporting you solving computing challenges. 