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Benefits and goals of ORCiD

ORCiD - what is it all about?

ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an open, non-commercial and community-based service which provides a register of unique identifiers for distinguishing researchers. It is supported by universities, academies, funder institutions, publishers and libraries worldwide.
ORCiD offers a transparent method of linking research activities and publications to the identification numbers of the researchers involved, reaching across disciplines, research sectors and national boundaries and liaising with other identification systems.

How is it useful to me?

As a researcher, you are faced with the challenge of distinguishing your research activities from those of other researchers with similar names.
To do this, you can add research-related items such as datasets, equipment, publications and patents to your ORCiD profile.
ORCiD also makes it easier for you to collaborate across disciplines, institutions and borders thanks to its ability to communicate with other research information systems. There is therefore no need to keep entering data over and over again.
It is also becoming increasingly common for research funding providers and publishers to request an ORCiD so that they can clearly assign research proposals and publications to the right people. Databases such as Scopus and Web of Science, for example, allow you to link your entry as an author to your ORCiD profile.

Why do I need to link my ORCiD profile to BORIS?

Once you have recorded your ORCiD in BORIS, you can enjoy the following benefits:
  • ORCiD and BORIS can exchange data with one another, so you don’t have to enter the same information in both systems.
  • If your ORCiD is recorded in BORIS, it will also be passed on to the University of Bern’s personnel administration system, PARIS. Other university services will therefore be able to access your ORCiD data, thus enabling them to clearly identify you.
  • When entering new publications, ORCiD will soon make it easier for you to link them to the relevant position.
Here you find step-by-step instructions on how to register your ORCiD and link it to BORIS
Furter information about ORCiD you find here.
The BORIS manual is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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