Wartungsarbeiten: Opencast & Podcasts Di 14. Mai 2024 07:00 - 08:00 | Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten an den Opencast-Servern werden Ihnen Podcasts und Opencast-Videos nicht zur Verfügung stehen. Kontakt: www.podcast.unibe.ch
Wartungsarbeiten: File-Server So/Mo 26. Mai 22:00 - 27. Mai 07:00 | Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten an den File-Servern können in diesem Zeitraum keine Dateien hochgeladen werden. Die Dateien auf ILIAS können aber weiterhin heruntergeladen/angesehen werden.


To grant you access to the survey, you must use a 5-character survey code which you can receive from the creator/maintainer of this survey.
Please enter it in the text field above.

Introductory Message

Dear students,


Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this survey!


Due to Covid-19 the Introduction Week for exchange students was conducted mostly online. In order to make the Introduction Week as helpful as possible for future exchange students we depend on your feedback.


We are happy to receive your feedback until 7 March 2021. We will see who participated but cannot link your answers to you, the survey is therefore anonymous.


Among everyone who completes the survey we will raffle a UniBE Power Bank from the Unishop. The winner will be contacted directly.


Stay safe and healthy!


Best regards,

UniBE International - Mobility Team


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