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Week 31: Competition Law and Policy

The objective of this course is to set out the foundations of competition law and policy in the EU and US and also in developing countries. Indeed, the recent years have seen a consistent spreading of competition laws all over the world. This examination is done through the analysis of the objectives pursued by competition laws and of the economic and legal technical issues coming out from the main legal provisions. A special attention will be paid to the regulation of anti-competitive agreements and abuses of dominance. The topics of the enforcement of antitrust laws, the control of mergers and State aid will aso be considered. Two case-studies – one each day - will be used to test crucial issues faced in any antitrust system. The second part of the course focuses on the relationship between competition policy and international trade rules. It includes a detailed discussion of the ways in which effective national competition policies complement and reinforce the multilateral trading system, in addition to those in which competition policy concerns and objectives are already (partially) embedded in the WTO Agreements. The significance of competition policy chapters in numerous recent regional trade agreements (RTAs) will also be noted. This part of the course concludes with a review of the debate on possibilities for more explicit and systematic incorporation of competition policy tools and approaches in the multilateral trading system, and of possibilities for the future.

Allgemeine Informationen

Robert Anderson
• Understanding of the ways in which national competition policies complement and reinforce the objectives of the multilateral trading system.
• Understanding of the ways in which competition policy objectives and approaches are already embedded in the WTO Agreements.
• Understanding of the debate on trade and competition policy that took place in the WTO from 1997 through 2004, and the reasons why the proposals for a "multilateral framework on competition policy" were shelved.
• Understanding of the ways in which the international competition policy context has changed since the previous WTO debate, and identification/exploration of alternative approaches for more effectively harnessing the potential synergies between trade and competition policy. Students will be encouraged to develop their own perspectives.
Dateien zum Herunterladen
Compulsory Reading Material Competition Law & Policy.zip (Dateigröße : 1723746 Bytes)
Optional Reading Material Anderson.zip (Dateigröße : 3205348 Bytes)
Optional Reading Material Rubini.zip (Dateigröße : 36341610 Bytes)
Syllabus_Competition Law and Policy.pdf (Dateigröße : 55579 Bytes)


The objective of this course is to set out the foundations of competition law and policy in the EU and US and also in developing countries. Indeed, the recent years have seen a consistent spreading of competition laws all over the world. This examination is done through the analysis of the objectives pursued by competition laws and of the economic and legal technical issues coming out from the main legal provisions. A special attention will be paid to the regulation of anti-competitive agreements and abuses of dominance. The topics of the enforcement of antitrust laws, the control of mergers and State aid will aso be considered. Two case-studies – one each day - will be used to test crucial issues faced in any antitrust system.

The second part of the course focuses on the relationship between competition policy and international trade rules. It includes a detailed discussion of the ways in which effective national competition policies complement and reinforce the multilateral trading system, in addition to those in which competition policy concerns and objectives are already (partially) embedded in the WTO Agreements. The significance of competition policy chapters in numerous recent regional trade agreements (RTAs) will also be noted. This part of the course concludes with a review of the debate on possibilities for more explicit and systematic incorporation of competition policy tools and approaches in the multilateral trading system, and of possibilities for the future.


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Stefanie Allemann
031 631 36 28


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