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Week 32: Trade and Development

This course will address the key policy linkage between trade and development. It will begin by explor-ing the key legal and economic issues arising from the enlarged role and voice of developing countries in trade governance. From there it will explore linkages between trade, growth and development, ad-dress issues of distributive fairness in trade rule-making, and highlight some of the concerns that de-veloping countries have with the special and differential provisions in the WTO and the current status of the work programme in this regard. The negotiating priorities of developing countries in the WTO system and at the PTA level will be touched upon. The issue of aid for trade and its operational pursuit will also be taken up and its linkage with market access opportunities explained.

Allgemeine Informationen

Bernard Hoekman

Introduction to linkages between trade and poverty reduction
Understanding of channels through which trade can increase growth
The rationales for activist trade policies and ‘aid for trade’

Shishir Priyadarshi

A greater conceptual awareness of the linkage between trade and development
An understanding of the key issues of concern to developing countries in the DDA
An understanding of the special and differential treatment work programme


This course will address the key policy linkage between trade and development. It will begin by explor-ing the key legal and economic issues arising from the enlarged role and voice of developing countries in trade governance. From there it will explore linkages between trade, growth and development, ad-dress issues of distributive fairness in trade rule-making, and highlight some of the concerns that de-veloping countries have with the special and differential provisions in the WTO and the current status of the work programme in this regard. The negotiating priorities of developing countries in the WTO system and at the PTA level will be touched upon. The issue of aid for trade and its operational pursuit will also be taken up and its linkage with market access opportunities explained.


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Stefanie Allemann
031 631 36 28


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