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2012HS: 31591 Seminar Computer Vision

The objective of the computer vision seminar is to create a research background and culture (e.g., awareness of what has been done and is being done in vision and machine learning) and to develop critical analysis skills. Each week a presenter will lead the discussion by giving an informal presentation of the chosen paper, or her own research, during the first half of the meeting. In the second half, she will concentrate on an open discussion of the merits of the paper, or project, and how it compares to other work in the literature. The reading material is selected from best-paper awards and most cited papers of the top computer vision and machine learning conferences and journals. The seminar also provides the opportunity for students pursuing Bachelors and Masters projects to present their work. The webpage to the seminar is also http://www.cvg.unibe.ch/cv%20seminar.html


The objective of the computer vision seminar is to create a research background and culture (e.g., awareness of what has been done and is being done in vision and machine learning) and to develop critical analysis skills.
Each week a presenter will lead the discussion by giving an informal presentation of the chosen paper, or her own research, during the first half of the meeting. In the second half, she will concentrate on an open discussion of the merits of the paper, or project, and how it compares to other work in the literature.

The reading material is selected from best-paper awards and most cited papers of the top computer vision and machine learning conferences and journals.
The seminar also provides the opportunity for students pursuing Bachelors and Masters projects to present their work.

The webpage to the seminar is also



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