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Einführung des Artikels «Detection of animals in natural images using far peripheral vision» von Thorpe, Gegenfurtner, Fabre-Thorpe und Bülthoff (2001).

It is frequently assumed that, because of the poor quality of extrafoveal vision, object recognition requires a combination of selective attention and successive eye movements that bring items of interest into foveal vision (Liversedge & Findlay, 2000). The poor quality of form vision in the periphery has been documented extensively using artificial patterns such as digits, letters or compound Gabor patterns (Strasburger et al., 1991; Nasanen & O'Leary, 1998; Jüttner & Rentschler, 2000). Zug 1: Territorium abstecken
Mithilfe früherer Forschungsarbeiten wird erläutert, in welchem Forschungsthema die vorliegende Arbeit anzusiedeln ist.
Wichtige Stichwörter werden hier in engem Zusammenhang erwähnt.
A very limited number of studies have used drawings of real-world objects (Biederman et al., 1981; Levy et al., 2001) and very little is known about the perception of natural scenes in peripheral vision (though see, for example, Loftus & Mackworth, 1978; Nelson & Loftus, 1980). Furthermore our understanding of peripheral visual functions is limited by the fact that most studies have only used a limited range of eccentricities, often below 10°. Although it seems likely that an ability to detect important categories of natural objects across the entire visual field would be a distinct advantage for animals, almost nothing is known about the performance of the peripheral field in such situations. Zug 2: Nische etablieren
In diesem Zug wird mit typischen Formulierungen aufgezeigt, wo im Forschungsthema noch zuwenig Informationen vorhanden sind.
In the present experiment, we used a superordinate visual categorization task in which human subjects had to decide whether a natural photograph contained an animal or not. Our aim was to study how naturalistic stimuli can be processed using the peripheral retina up to the far limits of the visual field and how performance varies with increasing eccentricity when subjects are required to monitor their entire horizontal visual field. Zug 3: Nische besetzen
Es wird mit einer typischem Formulierung begonnen. Hier wird sowohl deskriptiv angegeben, worum es im Artikel geht, als auch zielorientiert.