ILIAS Support (English)



Manual: Etherpad

Manual: Etherpad

1. Create an Etherpad

Click on «Add New Item».
Select «Texteditor (Etherpad)».
Give the etherpad a «Title».
Click on «Add Etherpad».

2. Adjust settings & availability


Configure settings

Go to the «Settings» tab.
Activate the «Online» checkbox, if you want the etherpad to be visible to users.
When checked, course members will be able to read the Etherpad but will not be able to write their own content.
If checked, a separate chat window will be displayed next to the text field.
If checked, line numbers are displayed to the left of the text box.
If checked, text passages of different people are marked with different colors 
«Save» your settings.
Für erweiterte Einstellungen siehe 3. Format, comment & view editing history item 5.

Restrict availability

You can set the period in which the etherpad can be accessed. Outside this period, the etherpad cannot be accessed.
Go to the location on ILIAS where you have stored the etherpad.
Open the etherpad's actions menu.
Select «Availability».
Activate the «Temporarily available» option and enter the period during which you want the etherpad to be accessible.
If checked, the etherpad is visible outside the designated availability but cannot be accessed.
«Save» your settings.

3. Format, comment & view editing history

The text can be formatted using the options in the menu bar.
To comment on a section of the text, select the relevant part and click the speech bubble icon.
To view the editing history, click the clock icon. Drag the slider to the left to view the different versions. Click «Return to pad», to return to the text editor.
For advanced settings, click on the gear icon.
Click on the people icon to see the people actively involved and their respective colors.

4. Application scenarios

The following pages will give you an idea of how an etherpad can be used:

Zuletzt geändert: 28. Jun 2023, 14:00, Thiel, Anja [a.thiel5]