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GMBA Mountain Inventory


This folder contains the GMBA mountain inventory_V2.0 and the GMBA mountain inventory_V1.2 data, as well as zipped folders containing previous versions of the inventory (V1.0 & V1.1).
  • The file "General info GMBA mountain inventory_V1.2.txt" provides general information about the various files, including version, labels, formats, and a “how to cite”
  • To download the mountain polygons for the entire world (excluding Antarctica), please chose the file entitled “GMBA mountain inventory_V1.2_entire world
  • To download the mountain polygons for individual “mega-regions” (i.e., Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Greenland, North America, Oceania, South America), please chose the zipped folder entitled “GMBA mountain inventory_V1.2_mega regions”.
  • To download additional polygons of the world’s major mountain systems, please chose the file entitled “GMBA mountain inventory_V1.2_supplementary large-scale set”. Please read the General info file and Körner et al. (2017) for additional information on the objects included in this file.
  • To download the specific online maps used to support polygon delineation of V1.1, please look into the zipped folder entitled GMBA mountain inventory_V1.1
  • To download an excel table including for each polygon of V1.1 the total area subdivided into climatic belt, the area of montainous terrain (sensu GMBA) subdivided into climatic belt, the total human population and the human population in mountainous terrain, please chose the file entitled GMBA mountain inventory_V1.1_supplementary material in the folder entitled GMBA mountain inventory_V1.1
  • For information about the methods please see Körner et al., Alpine Botany, 2017
  • Information about the GMBA mountain definition and associated data is available online
  • The document GMBA mountain inventory log file.txt lists all the changes performed on V1.1 to achieve V1.2
  • The document GMBA mountain inventory_V1.2_multi-languages.xls provides all available Wikipedia translations of the mountain ranges in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese
When using the GMBA mountain inventory, please cite Körner C, Jetz W, Paulsen J, Payne D, Rudmann-Maurer K, Spehn EM (2017) A global inventory of mountains for bio-geographical applications. Alpine Botany 127(1): 1-15, DOI: 10.1007/s00035-016-0182-6 and the dataset DOI: 10.7892/boris.106896.

For additional information, please contact


Mountain polygons for the entire world (excluding Antarctica), GIS files (.dbf, .prj, .shx, .shp)
zip   680.65 KB   2. Jul 2018, 14:50  
Mountain polygons for individual mega-regions, GIS files (.dbf, .prj, .shx, .shp)
zip   689.76 KB   9. Jul 2018, 15:00  
Supplementary polygons of the world’s major mountain systems
zip   141.01 KB   2. Jul 2018, 14:51  
General information file
txt   3.01 KB   2. Jul 2018, 14:54  
pdf   1.59 MB   No date  
This document lists all the changes performed to upgrade from version V1.1 to version V1.2
txt   4.33 KB   2. Jul 2018, 14:55  
This document provides all available Wikipedia translations of the mountain ranges in English, German, French, Spanish, Portugu…
xlsx   59.86 KB   2. Jul 2018, 14:56  
Version V1.0 of the GMBA mountain inventory (valid until 22.10.2017), replaced by V1.1. This zipped folder contains all folders
zip   87.4 MB   20. Oct 2017, 12:07  
Version V1.1 of the GMBA mountain inventory (valid until 02.08.2018), replaced by V1.2. This zipped folder contains all files a…
zip   89.05 MB   2. Jul 2018, 14:56