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4 | Further training needed?

Links to websites with recommended (advanced) training guides on systematic literature searching

Recommended online guides through the systematic searching process

Öffnen The Essentials of Conducting Systematic Reviews - Module 4: Searching for Eligible Studies (Queen's University, Canada)
This fourth module from a series on systematic reviews explores how to search for relevant literature.
Öffnen Online Guide on Literature Searching (LibGuide Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)
This guide provides a step-by-step approach to systematic searching of the literature, with special tips for the search syntax …
Öffnen Expert Searching (Welch Medical Library, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA)
Online guide covering all the steps of a comprehensive search.
Öffnen Youtube Channel Welch Medical Library (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA)
This channel offers a lot of very useful video tutorials for searching databases and grey literature, systematic reviews tools …
Öffnen Guide to systematic searching & the review process (University of Bern Medical Library)
The University of Bern's Medical Library Research Support Services online guide provides general information on conducting your…
Öffnen RefHunter (German)
Community-betriebenes Informationsportal zur systematischen Literaturrecherche (Rechercheschritte, Datenbankübersicht, Glossar,…
Öffnen Youtube Channel University of Reading Library (UK)
Simple introduction & tips and tricks for literature searching

Study Designs and Review Types

Öffnen Study Designs in Health Research (Deakin University, Australia)
Comprehensive overview of study designs (guides about the principles of study design, qualitative studies, and quantitative stu…
Öffnen Review Types (Temple Univ Library, Philadelphia, USA)
The different review types explained (systematic review, scoping review, rapid review, etc.)
Öffnen What review is right for you?
Tool designed to provide guidance and supporting material to reviewers on methods for the conduct and reporting of knowledge sy…
If you are unsure what kind of review is most appropriate for your question, timeframe, or resources,follow this decision tree.

Background information

Öffnen Glossar zur Systematischen Literaturrecherche (German)
Die häufigsten Begriffe in der Systematischen Literaturrecherche, alphabetisch geordnet und verständlich erklärt von Marc von G…
Öffnen SysLit Compendium
This is a compendium for the field of systematic literature searching. It contains technical terms, methods and background info…
Öffnen EbM-Glossar (German)
Das Glossar des EbM-Netzwerks verfolgt den Zweck, Fachbegriffe der evidenzbasierten Medizin besser verständlich zu machen.
Project to develop guidance and recommendations for the responsible use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in evidence synthesis