For students, employees and partners of the University of Bern

Allgemeine Informationen

Terms and Conditions for mLAB Equipment Borrowing

1. Eligibility for Borrowing Equipment

The mLAB is primarily available to students of the University of Bern with Geography as their major or minor and to staff members of the Institute of Geography (GIUB). Exceptions may be granted upon request and approval by the mLAB team.

2. Registration and Documentation Requirements

Users are only permitted to borrow equipment if they are fully registered with the mLAB. Registration includes providing:
- Full contact information (name, address, email, and phone number).
- A copy of a valid form of identification.
- A valid liability insurance policy number.

This documentation must be submitted before any equipment can be borrowed and will be kept on record for the duration of the user’s borrowing privileges.

All personal data collected will be stored securely and only used for the purposes of equipment borrowing and user management. Users may request the deletion of their personal data at any time, in compliance with the Swiss Data Protection Act (DGS). Upon request, mLAB will delete all personal information, provided it is no longer required for legal or administrative purposes.

3. Borrowing Duration and Extensions

Equipment must be returned on time. The standard borrowing period is two weeks.
If a longer borrowing period is required, users must contact the mLAB team in advance.
Extensions during the borrowing period may be granted if the equipment is not reserved by another user, but must be requested via email.
All reservations must be recorded in the mLAB calendar to avoid scheduling conflicts.

Late returns may lead to consequences as outlined in Section 8.

4. Proper Use of Equipment

Borrowed equipment must be used appropriately and handled with care at all times. Users are responsible for familiarising themselves with the technical specifications and proper operation of the equipment before use. This includes, but is not limited to, understanding the functions of cameras, audio devices, and any associated accessories.

Improper use will lead to consequences as outlined in Section 8.

5. Return of Equipment

All equipment must be returned in the same condition in which it was provided. This includes:
- Batteries (or other rechargeable components, where applicable) fully charged.
- Memory cards or storage media cleared and formatted.
- All sets must be complete and stored in their provided cases.

6. Liability for Loss or Damage

Users are fully liable for any loss, theft, or damage to the equipment during the borrowing period. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure they have proper insurance coverage. In cases of loss or damage, the user will be held financially responsible for repair or replacement costs.
Normal wear and tear, such as age-related deterioration, does not fall under the user’s liability and is considered part of the equipment's lifespan.

7. No Transfer of Equipment to Third Parties

The borrowed equipment may not be transferred or lent to third parties. The individual borrowing the equipment is solely responsible for its proper use and return.

8. Consequences of Late Returns or Improper Use

Repeated late returns or improper handling of equipment may result in exclusion from future borrowing and suspension of mLAB borrowing privileges.
The mLAB reserves the right to enforce penalties, including but not limited to, the suspension of borrowing rights.

9. Recommendation for International Use

If equipment is to be taken abroad, it is strongly recommended that users obtain appropriate insurance coverage to protect against loss or damage that may occur during international travel.


For students, employees and partners of the University of Bern


This work has all rights reserved by the owner.


Mirko Winkel

Tutorielle Betreuung

Mirko Winkel


Geographisches Institut




101 GIUB


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