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Week 17: Non-Discrimination in International Economic Law

These lectures cover the fundamental principles of Most-Favoured Nation Treatment and National Treatment in the WTO agreements. They concentrate on the jurisprudence of WTO Panels and the Appellate Body concerning GATT Articles I and III, and GATS Articles II and XVII. Non-discrimination is a core principle of the international trading system, and a detailed understanding of its meaning in international trade law will be of particular interest to all interested in WTO law, including government, NGOs, international lawyers and academics.

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Learning Objectives:

Andrew Lang

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

Describe and distinguish the core non-discrimination principles of WTO law, and identify the relevant provisions of the GATT and GATS in which they are found

Summarise and critically analyse the jurisprudence of the WTO as it relates to GATT Articles I, III and GATS Articles II and XVII

Identify the meaning of ‘like products’ and its variation across different provisions, and apply it to novel fact situations

Critically evaluate the consideration given to ‘legislative purpose’ in WTO non-discrimination jurisprudence

Describe and evaluate the historical evolution of the treatment of regulatory measures under GATT/WTO law, including the expansion of harmonization disciplines.

Marion Jansen

Understand how the MFN provision affects the bargaining process in the context of WTO trade negotiations.

Understand the economic effects of MFN tariff reductions. In particular, understand how the effects of MFN tariff reductions on trade flows and the allocation of production across countries compare to the effects of tariff reductions that are not MFN.

Understand how the national treatment clause relates to the economic discussion on the possible role of domestic policies as a protective device.

Learn how economic concepts have been used in WTO disputes dealing with the NT clause, particularly in the context of defining whether goods are directly competitive or substitutable.

Understand how economists would approach the question of whether a domestic policy is "legitimate" or not.

Understand economic advantages and disadvantages of international harmonization of regulation.


These lectures cover the fundamental principles of Most-Favoured Nation Treatment and National Treatment in the WTO agreements. They concentrate on the jurisprudence of WTO Panels and the Appellate Body concerning GATT Articles I and III, and GATS Articles II and XVII. Non-discrimination is a core principle of the international trading system, and a detailed understanding of its meaning in international trade law will be of particular interest to all interested in WTO law, including government, NGOs, international lawyers and academics.


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Amir Fouad or Stefanie Allemann


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