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2024-02-26 - 2024-03-01 Bern Winter School - Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning in Mürren


Bern Winter School on Reinforcement Learning (RL)
Learn machine learning in the mornings and practise your own neural network (brain) while skiing or working in the afternoons.

Due to increased access to data and compute capacity Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have become useful in many areas. In research and industry it is applied in various fields. Image recognition, online discrimination, natural language treatment, robotics, omics ... you name it.

In this winter school on reinforcement learning you attend lectures and tutorial sessions over four mornings. This happens in Muerren, a great ski resort, in the cool old hotel Regina. You make your own RL project (expected workload 30 hours) and present it in an in-person or online session at the University of Bern some weeks later. The project is voluntary, however, needed for those aiming for the ECTS points.

Learning outcomes, participants
- Understand RL and different RL methods
- Implement RL systems using available libraries
- Evaluate and select appropriate RL methods for solving the task at hand
- Manage and create custom environments with the OpenAI Gym framework
- Train Q-Learning on one of the custom environments and perform hyper-parameter analysis
- Train Deep Reinforcement Learning methods on the CArt Pole and Bipedal Walker environments
- Apply RL to own tasks
- Understand the different aspects of RL and the different kinds of RL methods
- Apply RL to own tasks
Target group
  • UNIBE staff, students and externals
  • You must bring your own laptop
  • Mathematics and statistics at the level of an introductionary course on university level
  • Basic Python knowledge 
  • The training is as language independent as possible, but examples and practical work is in Python
  • Theoretical lectures, evening talks, tutorials (with Jupyter notebooks), project work with presentation or report (can be skipped if you don't want the ECTS points, but own work and presentation increases your skills dramatically)
  • A certificate will be delivered to participants who have attended the whole training and presented their project work successfully. The school yields 2 ECTS points.
  • The coaches are local and external experts
Time : 2024-02-26 - 2024-03-01 (afternoons for work, skiing, wellness or whatever)
Location : Legendary Regina Hotel in Muerren, 2h from Bern with public transport: https://www.reginamuerren.ch/
Fee students and UNIBE staff: 600 CHF (fee) + 900 CHF (including room with shared bathroom, breakfast, coffee break, lunch bag, dinner, and social program). Additional consumption at the hotel needs to be paid directly upon check-out.
Fee others: 1100 CHF (fee) + 900 CHF (including room with shared bathroom, breakfast, coffee break, lunch bag, dinner, and social program). Additional consumption at the hotel needs to be paid directly upon check-out.
Language: English
Participants : Max 20
Registration : Mandatory
Responsible : PD Dr. Sigve Haug
Hotel WiFi
Lunchbags are provided in the bar at 12:30.
Monday (Arrival)
14:00 - 17:00 Machine Learning Refresher (not mandatory)(Sigve)
17:00 - 19:00 Apero
19:00 - 20:00 Dinner (Regina)

08:15 - 08:45 Reinforcement Learning - Lecture 1 (Lorenzo)
09:00 - 10:15 Tutorial (Lorenzo)
10:15 - 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 - 12:30 Tutorial (Lorenzo)
12:30 - 17:00 Skiing, work or whatever
17:00 - 18:30 Tutorial (Lorenzo)
19:00 - 20:30 Dinner (Regina)

08:15 - 08:45 Reinforcement Learning - Lecture 2 (Lorenzo)
09:00 - 10:15 Tutorial (Lorenzo)
10:15 - 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 - 12:30 Tutorial (Lorenzo)
13:30 - 15:00 Curling with instructor (meet 13:10 in the hogtel lobby) - for free
17:00 - 18:30 Tutorial (Lorenzo)
19:00 - 20:30 Dinner (Regina)

08:15 - 08:45 Reinforcement Learning - Lecture 3 (Mykhailo)
09:00 - 10:15 Tutorial (Mykhailo)
10:15 - 10:45 Coffee break
10:15 - 12:00 Tutorial (Mykhailo)
12:00 - 12:15 Project work possibilities (Sigve)
17:00 - 18:00 Tutorial
18:00 - 18:15 Project discussions (Mykhailo, Sigve)
18:45 - 21:30 Cheese Fondue at restaurant Allmendhubel (meet in front of Regina at 18:45)
21:30 - 22:00 Sledge ride down to the hotel
22:00 - XX:XX Disco Bliemli Chaeller
08:15 - 08:45 Reinforcement Learning - Lecture 4 (Mykhailo)
09:00 - 10:15 Tutorial (Mykhailo)
10:15 - 10:45 Coffee break and check out
10:45 - 11:45 Project brainstorming session (Mykhailo) 
11:45 - 12:00 Wrap up (Sigve) 
12:00         End of school

Slot for project presentations: we will agree on something in April or May.
For the 2 ECTS certificate you need to do a project:

Goal: Apply what has been learned in the tutorials to a similar or different task (T) on own or public data (E) and ideally assess the performance (P) of the task solving.

Expected effort: 30 hours

Result: 15 minutes presentation (your notebook optionally with some slides) to be uploaded to Ilias together with the Jupyter notebook or Python script used (Naming convention: surname_1-surname_2-projectname.pdf/ipynb)

Teamwork: Please work and present in teams of two (or three). Exceptionally you can work alone.

Slots for presentations will be agreed upon during the course week. 

Assessment: You will get feedback (15 minutes) right after your presentation. If you have given it a good try (~30h) your project will pass. There is no further grading. The project together with school attendance yield 2 ECTS credit points.
Registration: If you have an ILIAS or AAI account (people affiliated with a Swiss higher education organisation), please login and join the course. For others, please write an email to info.dsl@unibe.ch.

You are free to bring familiy and friends of course (not participating in the school), if there are rooms free.

Cancellation: Editions with less than 15 registrations might be cancelled one month in advance. Cancellation is possible only until February 5th, 2024. No refunds will be made for cancellation received later or for no-shows. Moreover, participants will be charged by the University of Bern for the accommodation costs at Hotel Regina.The notice of cancellation needs to be submitted in written form to info.dsl@unibe.ch 
Arrival:   Monday 26 of  February 2024. School starts at 14:00 and evening dinner is at 19:00.
Depature:  Friday, 01 of March 2024 at noon (if you don't stay longer for your pleasure)
Travel: By public transport 2 hours from Bern (sbb.ch). Muerren is a car free village. You can park in Lauterbruennen or Stechelberg.
Mürren can be reached from the Lauterbrunnen Valley via two connections:
  • From Lauterbrunnen by cable car and a mountain railroad via Grütschalp to Mürren BLM.
  • From Stechelberg by cable car via Gimmelwald to Mürren Schilthornbahnen LSMS.
Lauterbrunnen is easily accessible by train from Interlaken. The route via Stechelberg is mainly preferred by motorists because of the parking spaces at the Stechelberg valley station. Stechelberg can also be reached from Lauterbrunnen by post bus.            

Leasure: Muerren offers spa, outstanding skiing slopes, swimming pool etc. If there is enough snow, there is a about 10 km cross country skiing slope in the Lauterbrünnen valley. Inform yourself:  muerren.swiss/en/winter/
Ideally you prepare yourself with this python notebook before the school (download it and run it on colab)

- https://github.com/neworldemancer/DSF5/blob/master/Python_key_points_homework.ipynb

If you need some material for solving that notebook, you can use this book:

- https://github.com/jakevdp/PythonDataScienceHandbook
PD Dr. Sigve Haug (overview, school responsible)

Sigve studied physics in Germany, Spain and Norway. He has been involved in neutrino physics experiments and high energy frontier experiments, often with main focus on the computing challenges related to the large and distributed data from these experiments. Today he is coordinating the Data Science Lab at the University. Beyond science he likes philosophical conversations in the evening, Telemark skiing and friendly people.

Dr. Mykhailo Vladymyrov

Mykhailo is a trained physicist who worked at the Albert Einstein Institute of Fundamental physics (and beyond) with many years of experience with big data, machine learning and GPU computing. Today he is working for the Data Science Lab at the University. Mykhailo has a high level humor and view upon the human strive. You will enjoy his tutorials.
Dr. Lorenzo Brigato
Lorenzo Brigato is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the ARTORG center, a research institution affiliated with the University of Bern, and is currently involved in the application of AI to health and nutrition. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. He earned an M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics with honors in 2018 from the same university. Previously, he obtained a B.Sc. in Engineering Sciences at the Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy.