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Week 36: WTO Law and Domestic Legal Systems

This course will focus on the issue of conflicts of laws in public international law, the analysis of the particular features of WTO law in this regard, and the issue of the relationship between WTO law and national law, in particular discussing direct applicability of WTO norms in national legislations. This course is of particular interest to practitioners who engage in dispute resolution matters, and trade policy officials.

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Learning Objectives
Matthias Oesch
• To understand the position and legal impact of WTO law in domestic law
• To reflect about the different perspectives of WTO law and of domestic (constitutional) law with respect to the issue of supremacy
• To understand the potential impact of WTO law on the interpretation of domestic law
• To understand the concept of direct effect of WTO law and to assess the underlying rationales for and against granting direct effect
• To reflect on the related issue of the failure to timely implement DSB decisions
• To assess the chances of liability claims by operators adversely affected by retaliatory measures
Marco Bronckers
• Think about the place and role of WTO law in the broader scheme of public international law: What are the pros and cons of fragmentation in international law?
• How should WTO and other international law interact? What are the different mechanisms where this interaction may play out? Compare panel jurisdiction to applicable law, to treaty interpretation
• What is the scope for forum shopping between the WTO and RTAs?
• Manage to apply abstract ideas of overlap, fragmentation and conflict to concrete cases and fact patterns


This course will focus on the issue of conflicts of laws in public international law, the analysis of the particular features of WTO law in this regard, and the issue of the relationship between WTO law and national law, in particular discussing direct applicability of WTO norms in national legislations. This course is of particular interest to practitioners who engage in dispute resolution matters, and trade policy officials.


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Amir Fouad
MILE Fellow
+41 31 631 36 28


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