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100206-HS2021-0: Seminar in Plant Ecology / Seminar in Pflanzenökologie


Allgemeine Informationen

**Due to the COVID-19 regulations, which cannot yet be estimated and which apply to the start of the semester, the room details in particular are not yet binding. It is also not clear in which form courses in presence mode will be held. It is essential that you check the definitive details of the relevant courses in KLS or ILIAS before the start of the semester.**

Members of the Plant Ecology group, collaborators, and guests present their latest research or discuss their ideas for future research in plant ecology. Topics covered include biodiversity-ecosystem functioning, coexistence and community assembly, plant-animal interactions, global environmental change, conservation and evolutionary ecology. A great opportunity for students to hear research talks, participate in scientific discussions and to learn about the questions and methods used in our group.

Lernziele und Links

Students are able to critically evaluate research talks. They are able to participate in scientific discussions on a wide range of topics in plant ecology and will learn about ongoing research in the plant ecology section and how science is communicated. They are able to write essays summarising research findings and discussing and critiquing them.


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