Wartungsarbeiten: File-Server So/Mo 26. Mai 22:00 - 27. Mai 07:00 | Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten an den File-Servern können in diesem Zeitraum keine Dateien hochgeladen werden. Die Dateien auf ILIAS können aber weiterhin heruntergeladen/angesehen werden.



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Seite Aufsteigend
(Let others) brainstorm collaboratively
Application scenarios
Ask single comprehension questions
Assign students to groups
Collect and answer questions from students in a central location for all of them to see
Collect and define key terms and concepts
Collect and make visible students travel plans
Communication & Collaboration
Comparison of question tools
Conduct a public survey
Confidentiality agreement for access to video
Create new page
Determine the best time and date to meet
Enable peer feedback
Facilitate in-depth engagement with a learning video
Feedback & Evaluation
Group and organize content
Have files submitted
Have group and individual work submitted
Initiate discussions
Items at a glance
Keep media up-to-date in learning environments
Let groups create learning portfolios
Let students indicate priority for projects
Let students keep and submit a learning journal
Let students self-assess their knowledge of a topic
Make literature available digitally
Manual: Test & Question Pool for Tests
Measure the attainment of practical learning outcomes
Offer appointments with registration option
Other features
Provide a read me page on the course program
Provide content for self-study with self-assessments
Provide current news articles
Provide free software
Provide self-assessments
Provide students with a virtual space for interaction
Receive interim feedback from students
Schedule and organize a central post-exam review
Share news
Support post-processing of teaching contents
Take minutes of a meeting (collaboratively)
Template new theme
Template scenario
Track the students moods
Video & Audio
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