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Collect and make visible students travel plans

Collect and make visible students' travel plans
  • Travel plans of students participating e.g. in an excursion should be collected in a central place
  • Other students should be able to see the entries of their fellow students
Example from the Faculty of Humanities
  • A data collection is created
  • In the data collection, a table with four fields of the type "Text entry" or "Checkbox" is created
  • In the permission settings, students (course members) are given permission to "Add/Edit entry"
  • Students can enter their travel plans using the "Add New Entry" button
  • Students can edit or delete their entry later
  • Students can see their own entry as well as the entries of their fellow students
Try it yourself
Data collection with existing entries made by the students. Students enter their name, outbound and return travel details, and booking status.
Student perspective: Add new entry
In the permissions of data collection, students are granted the permission to „Add/Edit entry".
The settings define that students are allowed to add entries, edit and delete their own entries, and see other students' entries.

Zuletzt geändert: 2. Aug 2023, 13:16, Thiel, Anja [a.thiel5]