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Schedule and organize a central post-exam review

Schedule and organize a central post-exam review
  • Post-exam reviews of a study program need to be organized for all students centrally
Example from the Faculty of Human Sciences
  • A group is created for each post-exam review date; the number of participants per group is limited to 50
  • A survey is created in each group; in the survey, the available exams for the semester are offered for selection
  • Students can select a date (i.e. join the group), depending on available spots, and indicate via the survey which exams they would like to review
Try it yourself
In the settings of the group the date and the maximum number of members is defined
Student perspective: In the survey, students indicate which exams they would like to review
Student perspective: Each appointment is represented as a group. Students can join a group autonomously
Student perspective: After joining the group students get to the survey

Zuletzt geändert: 2. Aug 2023, 13:33, Thiel, Anja [a.thiel5]