Intro to ILIAS - Part I
- Main menu with slate
- Metabar
- Hierarchy
- Navigation
Exercise I: Main menu
In a new browser window...
- Go to the place that displays everything that's relevant to you (ongoing courses, groups) in a particular semester!
- Using your “last visited”, navigate back to our workshop (part I)!
Exercise II: Metabar, account & profile settings
In a new browser window...
- Find «2023 Elfter Tag der Lehre»!
- Change the language of your account (and then back if necessary)!
- Change your default landing page (and then back if necessary)!
- Set your incoming mail to being stored on ILIAS and being forwarded to your unibe address!
- Complete and publish your profile!
- Go back to the page that looks like this:
Exercise III: Hierarchy & navigation
In a new browser window...
- Using the tree view or the repository, find all the “Proseminars” that were taught in Psychology in spring semester 2021!
- Navigate back to our workshop (part I). Add it to your Favorites!
- Messages
- Calendar
- iTools (Go to iTools)
- Support (Go to Support (English version))
Exercise IV: Messages
In a new browser window...
- Send an email to yourself from within ILIAS!
Exercise V: Calendar
In a new browser window...
- In your calendar, set up consultation hours. Delete them again if you don't need them!
Exercise VI: Support
In a new browser window...
- Find the manual named «ILIAS 101»!
1. Settings
Important course settings:
- Online
- No Self-enrolment
- Mail to Members
Useful course settings:
- Sessions view (limited number)
- Content Item Sorting
- Calendar
- Add to Favorites
2. Course participants
- Adding
- Managing
- Mail to members
3. Organizing course contents
- Sessions
- Folders
- Item groups
- Sorting contents
Leerer Titel
Introduction to ILIAS - Playground
Um dieses Objekt zu nutzen, müssen Sie angemeldet sein und entsprechende Zugriffsrechte besitzen.
Exercise VII: Course settings
In a new browser window...
- Set your own playground course to "online"!
- Try out different course settings (admission per link, number of sessions, calendar, news) in your playground course!
Exercise VIII: Course participants
In a new browser window...
- Add two of our workshop participants to your own playground course as a "course member" to your playground course!
- Dr Pepper: d.pepper
- Nico: n.hillah
- Suzette: s.timmerman
- Tatiana: t.kochetkova2
- Zayne: z.roadiaz2
- Activate the role "tutorial support" for one of them!
- Send them an email from within the course!
Exercise IX: Organizing course contents
In a new browser window...
- In your playground course, assign materials to one or more sessions!
- Add appropriate item groups to your playground course and assign materials!
- Sort materials manually in a way that makes sense to you!
- Set up a new folder and copy/paste materials to the folder!