Intro to ILIAS - Part I




  1. Main menu with slate
  2. Metabar
  3. Hierarchy
  4. Navigation
In a new browser window...
  1. Go to the place that displays everything that's relevant to you (ongoing courses, groups) in a particular semester!
  2. Using your “last visited”, navigate back to our workshop (part I)!
In a new browser window...
  1. Find «2023 Elfter Tag der Lehre»!
  2. Change the language of your account (and then back if necessary)!
  3. Change your default landing page (and then back if necessary)!
  4. Set your incoming mail to being stored on ILIAS and being forwarded to your unibe address!
  5. Complete and publish your profile!
  6. Go back to the page that looks like this:
In a new browser window...
  1. Using the tree view or the repository, find all the “Proseminars” that were taught in Psychology in spring semester 2021!
  2. Navigate back to our workshop (part I). Add it to your Favorites!


  1. Messages
  2. Calendar
  3. iTools (Go to iTools)
  4. Support (Go to Support (English version))
In a new browser window...
  1. Send an email to yourself from within ILIAS!
In a new browser window...
  1. In your calendar, set up consultation hours. Delete them again if you don't need them!
In a new browser window...
  1. Find the manual named «ILIAS 101»!


1. Settings
Important course settings:
  • Online
  • No Self-enrolment
  • Mail to Members
Useful course settings:
  • Sessions view (limited number)
  • Content Item Sorting
  • Calendar
  • Add to Favorites
2. Course participants
  • Adding
  • Managing
  • Mail to members
3. Organizing course contents
  • Sessions
  • Folders
  • Item groups
  • Sorting contents

Leerer Titel


Introduction to ILIAS - Playground

Um dieses Objekt zu nutzen, müssen Sie angemeldet sein und entsprechende Zugriffsrechte besitzen.  
In a new browser window...
  1. Set your own playground course to "online"!
  2. Try out different course settings (admission per link, number of sessions, calendar, news) in your playground course!
In a new browser window...
  1. Add two of our workshop participants to your own playground course as a "course member" to your playground course!
    1. Dr Pepper: d.pepper
    2. Nico: n.hillah
    3. Suzette: s.timmerman
    4. Tatiana: t.kochetkova2
    5. Zayne: z.roadiaz2
  2. Activate the role "tutorial support" for one of them!
  3. Send them an email from within the course!
In a new browser window...
  1. In your playground course, assign materials to one or more sessions!
  2. Add appropriate item groups to your playground course and assign materials!
  3. Sort materials manually in a way that makes sense to you!
  4. Set up a new folder and copy/paste materials to the folder!