Wartungsarbeiten: Opencast & Podcasts Mo 1. Juli 2024 08:00 - 13:00 Uhr | Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten an den Opencast-Servern werden Ihnen Podcasts und Opencast-Videos nicht zur Verfügung stehen. Kontakt: www.podcast.unibe.ch


Conduct a public survey

Conduct a public survey
  • A survey is to be conducted, e.g., for a seminar paper or final thesis, or research purposes
  • The survey should also be open to participants who are not members of the University of Bern
Example from the PH Bern
  • In the public section of ILIAS (iTools) a survey is created
  • In the survey, it is determined whether it will be anonymized and whether a login or access key will be required
  • In the survey, the questions are entered, if necessary, with filter questions
  • The link to the survey is forwarded to the target audience*
  • The survey can be completed digitally
*When distributing your surveys, follow the university policy on electronic bulletin board and mass emailing: "The distribution of mass emails or the mass distribution of other electronic messages via Outlook, ILIAS, etc. by students or employees is not permitted.".

Read the Guidelines (in German)
Try it yourself
The survey is created in iTools
In the survey questions are created
The link can be forwarded to the appropriate people for participation

Zuletzt geändert: 2. Aug 2023, 13:16, Thiel, Anja [a.thiel5]