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Manual: LiveVoting

Manual: LiveVoting

1. Create a LiveVoting

Click on «Add New Item».
Select «LiveVoting».
Give the LiveVoting a «Title»
Click «Add».

2. Create questions

There are 5 question types available in a LiveVoting. You can add multiple questions to a LiveVoting and combine different question types.
In the «Content» tab, go to the «Manage» sub-tab.
Click «Add Question».
Select the question type.
Click on «Select Type».

Single/Multiple Choice

Participants can select one answer (single choice) or several answers (multiple choice) from predefined answer options.
Enter a  «Title» for the question. It will be visible to the participants.
Enter your question text.
Check the «Multiple Selection» option to turn a single choice into a multiple choice question.
Enter the answer options. Use «+» and «–» to add or remove existing answer options.
Click on «Create».

Free Input

Participants can enter one or more entries in one or more answer fields.
Enter a  «Title» for the question. It will be visible to the participants.
Enter your question text.
You can allow participants to enter multiple entries.
Select «Single-line answer field» if you expect short responses and «Multi-line answer field» for longer responses.
Click on «Create».

Correct Order

Teilnehmende müssen vorgegebende Begriffe in die richtige Reihenfolge bringen.
Enter a  «Title» for the question. It will be visible to the participants.
Enter your question text.
If enabled, the answer options are listed in random order during the LiveVoting.
Enter the answer options. Use «+» and «–» to add or remove existing answer options.
Using a number, define the correct position of the answer option.
Click on «Create».


Teilnehmende können vorgegebende Begriffe entsprechend ihrer eigenen Priorität einstufen.
Enter a  «Title» for the question. It will be visible to the participants.
Enter your question text.
Enter the answer options. Use «+» and «–» to add or remove existing answer options.
Click on «Create».

Number Range

Teilnehmende müssen mittels eines Sliders einen Zahlenwert auswählen.
Enter a  «Title» for the question. It will be visible to the participants.
Enter your question text.
The «Percentages» option inserts a percent sign next to displayed/selected number.
Under «Display-Mode», specify how you want the results displayed.
Enter the minimum, maximum and increment of the number range.
Click on «Create».

3. Adjust settings

Go to the «Settings» tab.
Participants can only access the LiveVoting when it is «Online».
If checked, people without an ILIAS login and without access to your ILIAS course can also participate in the voting.
LiveVoting is completely anonymous in this case (see 5.6 View & export results retrospectively).
If activated, all answers are saved (see 5.6 View & export results retrospectively).
Specify whether the voting will start automatically when you navigate to a subsequent question or whether you want to start the vote for each subsequent question manually.
Specify whether the results should be displayed immediately after switching to the next question or not.

4. Conduct a LiveVoting

To conduct a LiveVoting, you must be logged in to ILIAS as an administrator and the LiveVoting must be «Online». In the classroom, proceed as follows:
Open your prepared LiveVoting. To be able to access your LiveVoting quickly during your presentation, you can prepare in advance e.g.
  • Insert the link from the footer of your LiveVoting into your presentation notes. (The participants do not need this link).
  • Save the LiveVoting to your favorites via «Actions» - «Add to Favorites».
In the «Content» tab, go to the «Show» sub-tab. Present the QR code, PIN and URL to your students: vote.unibe.ch. Participants scan the QR code or enter the URL and then the pin in a browser.
Click on the QR code to enlarge it. The QR code can be scanned via a smartphone or a QR code app. The students will be taken directly to the appropriate LiveVoting.
Below the URL to the LiveVoting you can see how many people are already online.
Start the LiveVoting.
Click on «Start LiveVoting».
Navigate directly to a particular question.
Click «Start LiveVoting and start voting directly» to skip steps 4 and 5.
Participants will see an information page until you open the voting for a question. 
Once you click on the «Vote» button, the participants can answer your question.
Here you can define how long participants can vote for this question (e.g., 10 seconds).
Via «Pause» you can pause the LiveVoting at any time, thus not allowing more votes.
After clicking on «Vote» the button changes to «Pause».
Via «Show Results» you can show the results of the voting at any time. You can see in real-time how many people vote for which option.
Via «Reset» you can delete already given answers and thus restart a voting.
Via «Questions» and using the Arrows, you can navigate to the other questions and thus skip questions, for example.
The full-screen mode hides all ILIAS-specific navigation elements and shows the results in full screen.
The QR code and the URL can be displayed again via the magnifying glass.
Here you can see how many people have already voted («X Voters»).

Create a new round

You can run a LiveVoting in multiple rounds. For example, you can ask your students the same question several times at different times without having to delete the previous results. You can view the results of the different rounds afterwards (see 5.6 View & export results retrospectively).
Go to the «Results» tab. 
Click «New Round».
Confirm by clicking «New Round». Now you can run the LiveVoting again.

5. View & interpret results

You can follow your LiveVoting live during the voting.

The display of the results in a LiveVoting depends on the question type, the number of voters and the calculations behind it.

Live results: Single/Multiple Choice

You can select and switch between the «Number of votes» and «Percentage» display.
Percentage calculation for MC questions: The ratio «number of votes received / number of voters» is calculated separately for EACH answer option.

Live results: Free Input

Each answer is displayed individually. If there are multiple identical answers, they are tallied (in the example «2» identical answers.
As an administrator, you can add your own free input responses and categorize received responses. To do this, click on the «Categorize» button.
Enter a title for the first category and click «Add category»
If you want to add your own free input response, you can do so in the «Input» field and then «Add input».
If necessary, repeat steps a) and b) until all categories or own entries are added.
You can then drag and drop the submitted answers to the categories.

Live results: Correct Order

You can select and switch between the «Number of votes» and «Percentage» display.
Calculation: The results are displayed with the number of participants who entered the correct order and the number of participants who entered the wrong order.
You can show the «Correct Order».

Live results: Priorities

You can select and switch between the «Prioritization» and «Initial order» display.
Calculation: The scores reflect the relationship between points achieved and number of options:

Calculation example: 3 options and 4 participants

The maximum achievable number of points is calculated: Number of options (3) * Number of participants (4) = max. achievable score (12).

For each vote, the options receive ranking points according to their position selected by the participants. These points are not directly visible. The number of points to be awarded depends on the number of options. If there are three options, the option in first place receives 3 points, second place 2 points, and last place 1 point.

The graph is calculated as follows: Sum of points received / max. achievable points * number of options.

Live results: Number Range

Depending on the setting (see 2.5 Number Range) the results will be displayed as follows:
Each answer of the participants individually (in case of multiple identical answers they are tallied) with or without statistical parameters.
Summarized in a bar chart, always creating a chart with 5 bars.

View & export results retrospectively

You can also view the results and, if applicable, the response history and export the results after the LiveVoting has been conducted.
Go to the «Results» tab.
Use the dropdown menu and click on «Change» to view the results of different rounds (see 4.1 Create a new round).
Depending on the settings, the users are anonymized (see 3. Adjust settings).
Depending on the settings, you can click on «History» to view historized answers (see 3. Adjust settings) and see if and how participants have changed their answers.
Via «Export» you can export the results as a csv file.

6. Application scenarios

The following pages will give you an idea of how a LiveVoting can be used:

Zuletzt geändert: 10. Jul 2023, 09:10, Thiel, Anja [a.thiel5]