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Manual: New ILIAS Style with ILIAS8

Manual: New ILIAS Style with ILIAS8
The February 2023 update to ILIAS 8 introduced functional improvements and implemented a new, contemporary design style. This fresh look extends across the entire system and can potentially change the appearance of course rooms, learning modules, etc. if previously designed in the old ILIAS style.

We encourage you to utilize the new style on your site to take advantage of the improvements in aesthetics and user experience. The new style
  • allows for better interaction between different page elements so that they can be combined effectively
  • focuses on essentials so that your own content in the form of text and suitable images takes center stage
  • communicates the intention of a page element more clearly, making it easier to interpret the content
However, if you are unable to adapt your design to the new style due to time constraints or other reasons, we have created a guide here that will help you to restore your original page design with the old style.

1. Is my page affected?

To determine whether your page is affected by the design changes, you need to check the item's style. Depending on the item, you will have to follow different steps. For courses, categories, folders, and groups, check the style right in the page editor. For learning modules, glossaries, content pages, blogs, and wikis, check the style in the item's settings.

Check the style for courses, categories, folders and groups

If you have designed a course, a category, a folder or a group, check the style right in the page editor. Proceed as follows:
Open the item.
Click «Customize Page» or «Edit Page».
Open the actions menu and select «Style».
If you do not see a drop-down menu under «Current Style» but a name you have defined yourself, the design changes have not affected your page. You do not need to do anything.
If you see a drop-down menu under «Current Style» with «Standard» or «ILIAS 8 Standard» as the selected style, the design changes have affected your page. Follow the steps under 2. Restore my design to reinstate your design.

Check the style for learning modules, glossaries, content pages, blogs and wikis

If you have designed a learning module, a glossary, a content page, a blog or a wiki, check the style in the item's settings. Proceed as follows:
Open the item.
Go to the «Settings» tab.
Go to the «Style» sub-tab.
If you do not see a drop-down menu under «Current Style» but a name you have defined yourself, the design changes have not affected your page. You do not need to do anything.
If you see a drop-down menu under «Current Style» with «Standard» or «ILIAS 8 Standard» as the selected style, the design changes have affected your page. Follow the steps under 2. Restore my design to reinstate your design.

2. Restore my design

You can restore your design in two simple steps: First download the previous stylesheet (see Download stylesheet) and then import it into your item (see Import stylesheet).

Download stylesheet

Download the linked stylesheet (.zip file).
The downloaded .zip file must not be renamed or unzipped.

Import stylesheet

In a second step, you have to import the stylesheet into your item. To do this, first navigate to the style settings of the item (see Is my page affected?) and then proceed as follows:
Click «Create Individual Style».
Select option 2: «Import Style».
Click «Select File» and select the .zip file you downlowded in the step above (see Download stylesheet).
Click «Import».
Your page can now revert back to the style used in the design process, so that the design is the same as before the update.

Zuletzt geändert: 6. Dez 2023, 09:07, Thiel, Anja [a.thiel5]