ILIAS Support (English)



Manual: File

Manual: File

1. Upload files

If you have an ILIAS course (or folder, or group) and the appropriate administrative permissions, you can create and upload a «File». Follow the steps below to do so:
Click on «Add New Item».
Select «File».
Drag and drop the relevant file(s) into the light gray shaded area or click  «Select the files from your computer» und and then select the relevant file(s).

The selected files will be listed below. You can expand the individual bars and, if desired, adjust the title and description of each file. Via X, you can delete unwanted files again before uploading.
Click on «Upload files».
You will be redirected back to your course, where you will see the added files. Students can immediately access the files and download them as a PDF.
For sessions, files can alternatively be uploaded via the calendar or assigned as material (see Manual: Session).

2. Adjust settings


Configure settings

Open the file's actions menu.
Click on «Settings».
You can change the file's display title.
You can enter a «Description».
You can activate the «Rating». The rating is displayed directly below the file. Files can be rated by clicking on the stars.
Under «Tile Image» you can upload a tile image for the file (see also Manual: Tile design). 
When inserting images, please follow the recommended image sizes (see Notes on image sizes on ILIAS).
«Save» your settings.

Restrict availability

You can set the period in which the file can be accessed. Outside this period, the file cannot be accessed.
Go to the location on ILIAS where you have stored the file.
Open the file's actions menu.
Select «Availability».
Activate the «Temporarily available» option and enter the period during which you want the file to be accessible.
If checked, the file is visible outside the designated availability but cannot be accessed.
«Save» your settings.

3. File preview

There is a preview function for pdfs and the most common image files. The preview allows you to judge more quickly whether you are downloading the correct file or want to download a different one.
Click the preview icon next to the file title.
Use the arrows to navigate between preview pages.

4. File links

There are two different links to a file: Both are accessible via the «Info» page of the file:
Open the file's actions menu.
Click on «Info».
Above the preview, you will find the «Download Link». Share the «Download Link» if you want the file to be downloaded directly when clicking on the link (login into ILIAS is required if the file is in a protected area such as a course).
In the footer, you will find the option «Right-click to copy page link». This link gives you a better overview of where the file is located in ILIAS, and you can download it using the «Download File» button.

5. Update files (versions)

If a file has been updated, you can add the updated version to the existing file on ILIAS. The initial version remains in the background and can be restored if necessary. The access links (siehe 4. File links) also retain their validity for the new version.
Open the file's actions menu.
Select «Versions».
Click on «Create New Version».
Drag and drop the latest version of the file into the shaded box.
Click on «Create New Version».
The new file can now be downloaded. The version number is displayed below the file name.

6. Upload file as ZIP and unzip

If a ZIP file is uploaded, it will be available to students as a downloadable file. However, you can also use ZIP files to prepare and upload folder structures, including files, and let ILIAS generate ILIAS folders and ILIAS files for viewing and downloading from this ZIP file.
Click on «Add object».
Choose «File».
Select your ZIP file and click on «Upload files».
Your ZIP file is visible as an object.
Click on the «...» action menu to the right of the file and select «Unzip».
Activate the «Adopt Structure» checkbox and click on «Save».
The folder structure has been created. It contains all subfolders and files for direct download.

7. Application scenarios

The following pages will give you an idea of how files can be used:

Zuletzt geändert: 30. Aug 2024, 13:05, Thiel, Anja [a.thiel5]