ILIAS Support (English)



Manual: Session

Manual: Session
This manual describes how you can work with sessions automatically created by the system in ILIAS and in the ILIAS calendar or how to hide sessions if you do not want to work with them.

1. Adding sessions


Existing sessions

Prerequisite: Your course is linked to a KSL course. In this case, sessions in the ILIAS course will be created automatically for all dates registered in KSL.
You need to change dates (add, change, delete) directly in the KSL course announcement, not in ILIAS.
Sessions created by the system should not be deleted. Otherwise, calendar entries for students (and lecturers) will be lost. Instead, you can hide sessions in the ILIAS course (see Hide sessions).

Create a session

If you are using an ILIAS course or group that is not linked to the KSL course directory, you can create new sessions directly in ILIAS.
Click on «Add New Item» and select «Blog».
Enter the obligatory data such as «Datum/Uhrzeit» and «Title».
If several sessions are held at regular intervals, you can create several sessions simultaneously under «Recurrences».
Select a suitable «Registration Procedure».
The session is only visible in the ILIAS calendar for course or group members if they register for the session. In the course itself, the session is visible to all members even without session registration.
Click on «Add Session».

2. Working with sessions


Change title & appearance

Open the actions menu on the right side of the session and select «Settings».
You can change the «Title».
Under «Tile Image» you can upload a tile image for the session (see also Manual: Tile design). 
When inserting images, please follow the recommended image sizes (see Notes on image sizes on ILIAS).
«Save» your settings.

Assign materials

You can use the sessions in your ILIAS course to attach materials directly to the session. You have two options to do this:
Open the actions menu on the right side of the session and select «Assign Materials».
In your ILIAS calendar, go to the desired date and drag and drop the file to upload it.

Email session participants

In the session, go to the «Participants» tab.
Click on the «Mail to Members» button.
Click on «Continue».
Enter the required details of your message:
  • Subject: Short description of what it is about. Optionally, enter the date and title of the session here.
  • Message Content: Your message. For the recipients of your message to know to which session it refers, we recommend
    • Inserting a salutation and greeting and
    • keeping the inserted link in the message.
Click «Send mail».
Only people who are registered for the session will receive this email.
Exception: You have entered additional groups of people or your own email addresses in the recipient fields (To, CC, BCC).

Record attendances and absences

In the session, go to the «Participants» tab.
For people who attended the event, check the box in the «Attended» column.
Click «Save».
You can see an overview of the definite participation over all sessions in the ILIAS course (see Manual: Course).

3. Hide sessions

There are two options to hide sessions in the course if you want to avoid working with a time-based structure.


Option 1: Place sessions in a collapsed accordion

Especially if you use the tile view, the high number of automatically created sessions can seem unnecessary. While you could upload a separate tile image for each session and design the course that way, you can also move the «Sessions» block to an accordion so that they don't affect the overview over your course.
In the course that contain the sessions, go to the «Settings» tab.
Uncheck the «Limit Number of Sessions Shown» (Sessions View) option and «Save».
Go to the «Content» tab.
Click on «Customize Page».
Click « and select «Insert Accordion».
Under «Behavior», select «All Closed» and «Save».
Under «Style Class», you can choose what the accordion should look like.
Give the panel a «Title», e.g., «Dates». Click «Save» and return to the «Page».
Click «+» inside the panel and select «Item Group».
In the «Resources of Type» option select «Sessions» and click «Save».
In the page editor, click «Finish Editing».
Now all sessions are placed in the accordion. If someone is interested in the session dates, the accordion can be expanded to view the sessions. Otherwise, they can be disregarded.
Via «Customize Pagen» you can place the accordion with the sessions at any position in the page layout (see Manual: Page Editor).

Option 2: Limit the number of sessions displayed

Can only be used with the «List» presentation view (see Manual: Course). If you use the «Tile» view, go with Option 1 (see 3.1 Option 1: Place sessions in a collapsed accordion).
You can limit the number of sessions displayed (by default, six future and one past). This way, a session will only be visible in the course on the day when a session takes place. Otherwise, past and future sessions will be hidden.
In the course that contain the sessions, go to the «Settings» tab.
Scroll to the «Course Presentation» section.
In the «Presentation Type»«Sessions View» option, set the «Limit Number of Sessions Shown» to
  • Number of Past Sessions (until yesterday) = 0
  • Number of Following Sessions (from tomorrow) = 0
No more sessions are visible, except if the event occurs «Today».
Via «Content» > «Sorting» the block with the sessions can be placed somewhere else in the course (e.g., below other course content). Prerequisite: «Manual sorting» has been selected in the course settings (see  Manual: Course)).
Alternatively, the block can be placed at a desired position in the course via «Customize Page»  (see 3.1 Option 1: Place sessions in a collapsed accordion).

4. Application scenarios

The following pages will give you an idea of how a session can be used:

Zuletzt geändert: 27. Nov 2024, 17:15, [y.seiler4]